The Shepherd’s Voice

Code: 11 March 2023
  • MASADA DEAD SEA the Judea desert  The Shepherd’s Voice masada shalom jerusalem tours 1 820x546

Israel Journey, Jaffa, Netanya, Haifa, Nazareth, Cana , Galilee, Sail on Galilee Boat, Judean Desert, Jordan River, Jericho, Bethlehem, Qumran, Dead Sea, Jerusalem, Stations of the Cross, Golgotha, Garden Tomb

DEPARTURE DATE 11 March 2023
Flights, transfers, additional excursions not mentioned, passport & visa costs

Day 1: Departure from Johannesburg:  (Saturday 11 March 2023)  

Our journey begins as we depart on overnight flight.  We travel with our overnight bags as our suitcases will be forwarded to Israel.


Day 2: (Sunday 12 March 2023)

Tel Aviv, Jaffa, Mt Carmel, Jezreel – Megiddo Valley, Haifa, Akko, Mount Precipice

We depart to Tel Aviv. The Bible stories come alive as we start our journey reading the Scriptures. We take a drive to Joppa the oldest port of Israel. We visit the charismatic and beautiful city of Jaffa  port city that dates back thousands of years and where Peter had his vision on the rooftop of the House of Simon the Tanner. Where Tabitha was raised from the dead and Jonah set sail to Tarshish from Jaffa. King Solomon built his port on the Mediterranean. We drive to Mt. Carmel where Elijah challenged King Ahab and the prophets of Baal. (1 Kings 19) we see the Jezreel Valley, the Armageddon Battlefield, (Hill of Megiddo”), mentioned in the Bible only once, as Revelation to John (16:16). We end the day in prayer on Mount Precipice that is 397 above Sea level. We visit Haifa and Akko. Yeshua returned to Nazareth after his baptism and visit the local synagogue declaring in public, that he is the Messiah. Rejecting his claim, the Nazarenes’ declare him as a false Messiah, and drag him to the “edge of the city“. They attempt to throw over the cliff, but “he passed through the midst of them and walked away” (Luke 4:29-30). Our journey ends in Nazareth where Yeshua spent his boyhood years before beginning his ministry at the age of 30.

Meals: Breakfast and Dinner.     Overnight: Nazareth



Day 3:  (Monday 13 March 2023)  

Nazareth , Cana, Mt. Tabor, Yeshua Boat, Sail on Galilee, Mount of the Beatitudes, Tabgha, Capernaum

We start this morning in the town of Nazareth where Yeshua grew up in his early childhood. Traveling to Cana of Galilee where Yeshua performed His first miracle at the wedding. We ascend to Mt. Tabor the place of transfiguration and ascension of Yeshua, coming to a deeper understanding about the everlasting life. We visit the Nof Ginnosar Kibbutz where a discovery of the ancient Boat were made. We enjoy relaxing Cruise on the Sea of Galilee with devotion on board, bringing to life the experiences of Yeshua and the fishermen disciples. We have special time at the Mount of the Beatitudes, the site of the Sermon on the Mount. While experiencing the words of Yeshua to the multitudes we have a beautiful view of the entire Galilee. Next is Tabgha the site of the multiplication of loaves and fishes. Here Yeshua’s appearance to his disciples after his resurrection,  restored and commissioned Simon Peter to rise, serve as the leader of the newborn community of Faith. We visit to Capernaum the “evangelical triangle” These ruins of ancient 1st century synagogue, a location where Yeshua taught and where Peter’s home was.

Meals: Breakfast and Dinner.     Overnight: Nazareth


Day 4: (Tuesday 14 March 2023) 

Mt Arbel, Judean Desert, Bethabara, Qumran, Dead Sea, Jericho, Wadi Qilt

This is a very early morning enjoying an amazing outlook over the Sea of Galilee from Mt Arbel. We stop at Tmar Bkfar where we will watch a short video and time to purchase something valuable to take home with us from Galilee. We take our Journey through the Judean Desert with a visit to the Biblical Baptism site Bethabara, that played an important role in the life of Yeshua. After his rejection in Jerusalem during the Feast of Dedication, “He went away again beyond Jordan into the place where John at first baptized; and there he abode.” (John 10.40). We visit Qumran where the Deadsea Scrolls were found . We enjoy some time at the Dead Sea before we continue to Jericho, where God had an awesome plan for the battle of Jericho. Standing here in these valleys brings us to make a special Covenant with our Heavenly Father as the Israelites did after crossing over from Jordan to the Promised Land. With Scriptures coming to life, we have a better understanding of the Amazing plan YHVH had for His people. With a view over  the Mount of Temptation, we read how Yeshua was tempted by Satan after fasting 40 days & 40 Nights.

Meals: Breakfast and Dinner.     Overnight: Jerusalem


Day 5: (Wednesday 15 March 2023)

Mt Zion, Last Supper Room, Tomb of King David, Cardo, Jewish Quarters, Western and Southern Wall, Golden Gate, Mount of Olives, Palm Sunday road , Church of All Nations, Garden of Gethsemane,  Night Light

This morning is a very early start and long walk we visit the Upper Room (Luke 22). We visit the traditional site where Yeshua instituted the “Last Supper” – Matthew 26:17-30; Mark 14:12-25; Luke 22:7-23; John 13:1—17:26.  Visit the Tomb of King David and walk through the historic Jewish Quarter, down the Cardo. On our way down the stairs we see the Golden Lamp Stand and enjoy prayer time at the Western Wall. We take our journey out the Dung Gate to view the Southern Wall Excavations and the Temple Stairs. We walk pass the Mercy Gate and make our way up to the Golden Gate. We head to the top of the Mount of Olives to stand where Yeshua had a breathtaking view of the city across the Kidron Valley to the Eastern Gate where the Prince of Peace will enter (Ezekiel 44) also the place where He ascended into heaven (Acts 1). We  visit where “the Yeshua wept” as he beheld the Holy City and walk down the Palm Sunday Road to the Garden of Gethsemane and see 2,000 year old olive trees that date back to the time of Yeshua. We visit the Church of All Nations.  We spend time praying in the Garden. This evening you have the opportunity to explore Jerusalem at night.

Meals: Breakfast and Dinner.    Overnight: Jerusalem


Day 6: (Thursday 16 March 2023)   

Bethlehem, Shepherd Field, Caiaphas House, Pools of Bethsaida, Stations of the Cross, Golgotha, Garden Tomb,

We start at the Shepherds field in Bethlehem. Yeshua was born in Bethlehem, which was a fulfillment of prophecy (Micah 5:2; Luke 2:1-7) and burial for Rachel. Bethlehem actually means “house of bread.”, known as the birthplace of David (2 Sam 23:24; 1 Chr 11:26). The roads descending to the east of Bethlehem lead through the village of Beit Sahour which is identified since ancient times where the shepherds seen the Star. (Luke 2:8-10). We visit the House of Caiaphas before we start The Way of The cross from the Lions gate, continuing to the Pools of Bethsaida that have supplied water to the First and Second Temples until Herod the Great’s time. These very baths are where the healing miracle of Yeshua took place.  We visit Ecco homo (“behold [the] man” John 19 where the soldiers plaited a crown of thorns, and put it on his head, and arrayed him in a purple robe. We continue to the Stations of the Cross and end at Golgotha and end our day at the empty Garden Tomb, where we will reflect on the Resurrection with a time of prayer (Luke 23).

Meals: Breakfast and Dinner.    Overnight: Jerusalem


Day 7:  (Friday 17 March 2023)

Tomb of Samuel, Ein Kerem, Abu Gosh, Tel Aviv 

We visit the Tomb of Samuel with an extraordinary view. Samuel’s grave is situated atop a steep hill to the north of the Jerusalem neighborhood of Ramo. Samuel’s legacy as a prophet began when he was 13 years old, and God had anointed him for this position. By the time Samuel had become a grown man he had become an important public figure and people had known him for being a prophet of God. Samuel was an honest and fair judge, dispensing God’s law impartially. Our journey continue to Ein Kerem a pilgrimage site where John the Baptist was born. Next we will have a visit to the village of Abu Gosh, it was known in Biblical Times as Kiryat Ye’arim, where the Ark of the Covenant was placed from here King David brought the Holy Shrine back to Jerusalem. We drive to Tel Aviv where we will spend free time before we take our flight back home.

Meals: Breakfast


Day 8:   (Saturday 18 March 2023) 


We say goodbye to our new friends, having wonderful memories and treasure them in our hearts.  We on our way home with mind and hearts filled with a new and revived passion of Faith. Israel remains on our lips.