Code: 11 March 2023
  • portjaffa-shalomjerusalemtours  EILAT – JORDAN portjaffa shalomjerusalemtours 2 820x544
DEPARTURE DATE 17 March 2023
Flights, transfers, additional excursions not mentioned, passport & visa costs

Day 1: (Friday 17 March 2023)

Tour Extension to Eilat, Red Sea

Today we will visit the Red Sea and experience the Biblical story of the crossing of the Israelites trough the Red  Sea. The Bible tells us approximately 3,500 years ago, Moses parted the Red Sea and led the Israelites out of Egypt  across to the other side. Then, when the Egyptian chariots crossed after them in pursuit, God caused the wheels to come off the chariots and the waters to quickly recede upon them, drowning all Pharaoh’s army. When travelling through “the wilderness of the Red Sea” Ex.13:18, escaping Pharaoh’s army, God told Moses to turn south, so they  headed through a wadi or canyon area that is called the Wadi Watir which led to the sea. The Bible in Ex. 14:3 says, “They are entangled in the land, the wilderness hath shut them in.” Gazing across we can begin to imagine the miracle of the parting of the sea. The Children of Israel camped at Ezion-Geber (Numbers 33,36). Ezion Geber is part of the Red Sea resort-port of Eilat. Fun in the sun and good company.

Meals: At own Expense Overnight: Eilat


Day 2 (Saturday 18 March 2023)

Jordan, Petra,

Early morning you will make your way to the Border and pass through border control and customs to Jordan. We journey through the desert, with scenic views of the mountains along the way. On our route today is towards Petra where we will visit the amazing mountain fortress of Petra, known to be inhabited by the Edomites – the descendants of Esau. We walk our way through the “Siq,” an immense crack in the Nubian sandstone, to the city of Petra carved out in rose red rock. We experience a very exciting founding of the Treasury, El Khazneh, one of the most elegant remains of antiquity and surrounded on both sides

by hundreds of Petra’s carved & built structures. Late afternoon we make our way back to Eilat.

Meals: Breakfast (other meals at your own expense) Overnight: Eilat



Day 3: (Sunday 19 March 2023)

Timna Park, Replica of Tabernacle,

This Morning we travel to Timna Park to explore Solomon’s mines and the replica of the Tabernacle. The layers of rock in the area consist predominately of sandstone but also contains dolomite, lime, and marl. Copper was mined in this valley. King Solomon mined at Timna. References in the Bible to copper metal

and mining include Deuteronomy 8:9, Job 28:2, Ezekiel 22:20, and Luke 21:2. One can imagine a bush like this being the “burning bush.” Exodus 3:2 (KJV): “And the angel of YHVH appeared unto him in a flame of fire out of the midst of a bush: and he looked, and, behold, the bush burned with fire, and the bush was not consumed.” Solomon’s Pillars are natural geological formations that were formed when the rock cracked and water eroded them to separate the rock into distinct “pillars.” Located within Timna Park is another park that has an exact replica of the tabernacle God ordered Moses to build while he was on Mount Sinai. This tabernacle contains every piece of furniture, Brazen Altar, Table of Showbread, Ark of the Covenant, and everything the original tabernacle had. It’s the only life-size model of its kind in Israel that is more and less like the original one.

Meals: Breakfast (other meals at your own expense) Overnight: Eilat


Day 4: (Monday 20 March 2023)

Tel Aviv – Flight Home

We enjoy a free morning before we travel by flight back to Tel Aviv for our flight home. We say goodbye  to our new friends and Israel remains on our lips

Meals: Breakfast


Day 5: (Tuesday 21 March 2023)


We arrive in South Africa after a wonderful spiritual time and new friends. May Jerusalem be on your lips. Next year in Jerusalem